
Commissioners Bill Spiller and Owen Grumbling, and a volunteer spent a sunny January morning opening up the trails on the Perry Oliver Road and Route 109 in the Fenderson Commons.

Commissioners Bill Spiller and Owen Grumbling, and a volunteer spent a sunny January morning opening up the trails on the Perry Oliver Road and Route 109 in the Fenderson Commons.

If you enjoy the outdoors, the WCC is looking for volunteers to help build trails.

Because the Wells Conservation Commission is an all-volunteer effort, there is always more than enough work to go around! If you are interested in lending a hand, here are some ways you can help the Commission conserve the natural resources of Wells:

  • Educating the public about conservation alternatives
  • Researching and negotiating purchases of land and conservation easements
  • Building trails
  • Photographing natural history
  • Maintaining interpretive stations
  • Monitoring conservation land
  • Supporting conservation alternatives in the school system
  • Attending public events
  • Establishing other Conservation Lands and Wildlife Commons in town
  • Supporting land bank appropriations
  • And more…

Contact the Commission if you would like to volunteer. We’d love to hear from you!